Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Handmade Carpets-part of Pakistani culture

Handmade Carpets-part of Pakistani culture


In Pakistan handmade carpets has made its place as a culture. Handmade carpets are used for decorating drawings rooms, guest rooms and main hall. In most tribal areas carpet culture is very old and still prevails. All the people sit together, and share their issues with each other. In tribes elite class use carpets as a floor cover cautions and pillows are placed on carpets for easy sitting of guests.
Now in urban areas, handmade carpets are used to cover flooring area, unique and chic style of carpets add artistic look in main hall or drawing room. Carpets are available in different color combinations common color combinations are red, maroon, and brown however you can have color scheme according to your living area.
Hand woven carpet is the pure culture of tribal belt of Pakistan where jirga system and dera system prevail and people sit together for solving problems. And number of individual attend the jirggas for which it is impossible to accommodate sitting of people so the tribes are habitual of using carpets in place of chairs and tables.
Pakistan is rival of Iran industry of handmade carpets, Afghanistan is also falls in this category. Handmade carpets are now in fashion in Pakistan and almost seen in every home. In Pakistan best quality carpets are famous in all over the world. And this industry has introduced Pakistan in rest of world. When people sit together, share their norms and culture with each other which build interaction between society members. It creates sense of relation building and made society members respect each other. So the things are minor but have importance in life of our society. Hand woven carpets are gaining popularity day by day in Pakistan as fashion more than a culture available in colorful combination.

Then , Pakistan has a big industry for customized machine made carpets as well which is being used in many offices, industry halls, restaurants and hotels. Look at the famous Pakistani Hotel situated in Lahore, Floor carpet is customized by

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